Prayers for the Hungry:
Let us pray for those who hunger in this land: whose only kitchen is a soup kitchen; whose only food is what others don’t want; whose diet depends on luck, not on planning. Lord, feed your people using our skills and conscience, and eradicate from our politics and private lives the apathy to hunger which comes from over-indulgence.
Let us pray for the hungry to be fed.
Feed us, O God.
Let us pray for the hungry in this land and other lands, where no one may see to respond to human need or have any capacity, or where fields are farmed for the benefit of others by workers whose own children are hungry. Help us discern between need and greed. Lord, feed your people, even if means our own lifestyles must change so that all may be nourished.
Let us pray for the hungry to be fed.
Feed us, O God.
Let us pray for the hungry for justice, who suffer gross inequalities, who suffer because of tyranny, who are persecuted or oppressed, who have no hope and whose lives contain great misery. May their labor not be in vain and may we be counted as bringing them a cup of cold water.
Let us pray for the hungry to be fed.
Feed us, O God.
Let us pray for the hungry in Spirit, who have so much noise in their lives they cannot hear the thundering of God’s Love whispering in their ears. Lord, open our ears to that your voice may be heard and understood.
Let us pray for the hungry and the fed. Feed us, O God.
(adapted from Trinity Cathedral Miami, Prayers of the People)