One of my hobbies is photography. I don’t get to mess with it that much, but I do love to get a great shot and then share it with others. I have even won and have had my photos published in a couple of photography contests! Here are some of my favorite photos and some of the award winners.

I have some videos of this muddy incident as well. Priceless.

It is really difficult to get bears to smile, so I am glad that I finally caught this one simply being majestic.

I was really surprised when this shot I abstracted up and entered for fun won first prize in the Novice Abstract Photo Division in the 2010 American Rose Society Photography Contest! It was published in American Rose Society Magazine, May 2011. It is rather mesmerizing though.

This was one of the last shots I took for my friends Darrell and Connie when they wanted some photos taken of a colt they were trying to sell. I submitted other photos to the Michigan 24/7 contest that I thought were better, but the editors of the photo book mostly picked photographs that were telling a story, so this one made their cut.

This photo was taken with my Droid Phone! Who needs an expensive camera?