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What is Justice? On Thursday evening, December 4th 2015, the bells of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in San Bernadino, CA rang out 16 times. The bells were ringing in memory of the dead. Present were clergy from seven area churches as well as representatives from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help with counseling those who more »


How the Church Can Live

How the Church Can Live                                              October 2013 Newsletter Article        FPCAllegan.org The way that the world thinks and works is changing, but can the church be transformed to still exist within it? Lately I have been reading the books of Dr Leonard Sweet, the professor who has written extensively on how the church must transform itself more »

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An Obituary for Racial Colorblindness

An Obituary for Colorblindness            On July 13th, 2013, when George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering Trayvon Benjamin Martin, the theory of racial color blindness in the United States died on the courtroom floor from a massive heart attack.              The racial color blindness theory had grown up quite a bit since it more »